Published Permissions

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Through a mother's eyes........



Well, we've had a little bit of card making, and a little bit of horticulture so it's now time for a little bit of painting!!!! Now that I'm on the design team for Visible Image I am very much continuing from crafting journey too and I will be sharing some of those makes as and when time allows me to!

So today I'm sharing a painting that I've recently done of my youngest daughter Katie - I painted this from a photograph that was taken about 3 years ago when she was dressed up ready for her school ball - here is the photo that I had for reference....

I have called this painting "Through a mother's eyes".

Not having done much human portraiture I was really pleased with how this came out. Rendered in Daniel Smith watercolours, pastel pencils and black posca pen.

Thanks for stopping by,

Leanne. xxxx

Wednesday 12 May 2021

A look in to my horticultural side........


Hi there,

Well, thought that as this is my personal blog, I should start to share some personal things about myself as well as my creative and crafting life!

So, let me introduce you to "Eric" my Monstera (swiss cheese plant/tree!).  He lives in my orangery here at home and stands at almost 8 feet tall.  The second photograph shows you that he has reached maturity and is about to flower (there are actually two flowers forming, the other one is just to the left of that big one but much smaller at the moment). It is very rare to have a swiss cheese plant flower indoors so he is very much enjoying life.  The flowers do bare fruit which takes about 12-14 months to ripen and tastes a little bit like a pineapple crossed with a banana ......not sure that I'll be eating it!!!!! Look at all those aerial roots that he is putting out, when these grow down to the pot, I poke them back in to the pot to suck up further nutrients from the soil.

As well as an orchid collector, I am also a collector of African Violets too (named varieties) so here are a couple of my very young plants flowering for the first time - here we have "Ian Fun" and "The Shining Bell" - both are small plants but are a delight to have around the house.  You will notice the plastic pot underneath that top photograph, this is because I use a wicking system for watering my AV's so that is the reservoir pot!

Hope you enjoyed a little trip down personal alley today, I think it's nice to share my other interests as I have sooooo many!

Thanks for stopping by,

Leanne xxx

Wednesday 5 May 2021

A masculine make .....


Hi there!

Hope you are all keeping well. 

I'm sharing a creation that I made this week for an elderly gentleman.  I found a lovely tutorial on the Lavinia facebook page and although quite a simple make, I thought "that's perfect!" so I had a go!  I've used my Daniel Smith watercolours to paint the background in and the lovely Lavinia stamp Pheasant on a Fence.  The grasses are also a recent stamp released by Lavinia too called Orchard Grass. The world is full of beauty are words by Lavinia and the happy birthday is an old stamp from my stash. I darkened the edges with distress oxide black ink. A simple make but such a striking image, that's all it needs!

Thanks for stopping by,

Leanne xxxxx